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Sunday, February 9, 2014

On Choosing the Property

After making the drive north, equipped with a short-list of a dozen or so potential properties to view, our first stop was a real estate agent who gave us a list of a half dozen properties to look at. Only one of these was even moderately appealing, mostly because of the timber frame home and outbuildings but it scored a big fat zero on the isolation factor, was slightly more money than I’d hoped to spend and was only six acres. 

Having struck out with the real estate agent we then tackled the list which I’d compiled the previous fall. The whole process is pretty much a blur now but after looking at and eliminating all but one of the properties from my list, we decided to visit a real estate office in the nearby town of Bancroft to make enquiries about it and some of the other properties we’d discovered on our travels. It turned out that the agent we talked to had listed the property we’d just visited so my son and I, now aware of all the details, decided to return one more time. We now knew that the property was twenty-one and a half acres of mixed bush with some meadow, the size was more than adequate, it had an existing habitable building and a passable driveway. And, of no small import, the asking price of thirty thousand was achievable.

This time we walked the property for a closer look and also crawled in through an unlocked window to look at the interior of the one hundred seventy-six square foot cabin. We then set about weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the property. In addition to the above considerations, the closest neighbour was within earshot and was even visible through the now bare tree tops although I suspected that once the trees leafed out this would no longer be a problem.

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